Grains & Pulses


Defined as the edible seeds of cereal plants, grains encompass a vast array of varieties, from wheat and rice to barley, oats, and corn, each offering unique flavors, textures, and nutritional profiles. Beyond their culinary significance, grains represent a rich tapestry of agricultural heritage and economic importance, shaping agricultural practices, trade routes, and dietary habits throughout history.Grains are small, edible seeds from cereal plants like wheat, rice, oats, and barley, forming the staple diet for a significant portion of the world’s populationGrains can be consumed whole or processed into various forms like flour, cereals, and pastas, offering versatility in culinary applications across cultures worldwide.Grains encompass a diverse range of varieties, including quinoa, millet, corn, and rye, each with distinct flavors, textures, and nutritional profiles.



Grains, the fundamental staples of human diet, have sustained civilizations for millennia, serving as a cornerstone of nutrition and sustenance across diverse cultures worldwide.


Grain markets are globally significant, with production affected by weather, technology, and agricultural practices. Trade dynamics among major exporting countries like the United States.


Grains encompass diverse types including wheat, rice, corn, barley, oats, rye, and sorghum, each with unique nutritional profiles and culinary uses. Wheat is a staple for bread and pasta.

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